Recipes 2017-08-20T10:19:56-06:00

We sincerely hope that you enjoyed your cooking class(es) at Frijol Feliz. We continually strive to not only meet but exceed our students’ expectations. If you have any suggestions for us please let us know them by sending us a message. Additionally we would love to have a review on Trip Advisor, which you can submit in the box below the recipes. To download these recipes, simply click on them, and, depending on your browser, it will either open up a new tab showing the document that you can print and save, or alternatively it will begin directly downloading the document to your computer’s hard drive.

Arroz Con Leche
Buñuelos Rapidos
Chilaquilas de Güisquil
Chiles Rellenos en Salsa de Tomate
Frijoles Colorados con Carne de Cerdo
Frijoles Volteados (Refried Black Beans)

Jocon Con Pollo
Mole de Plátanos
Molletes Rellenos
Picado de Rábano
Sauces Class
Tortillas and Guacamole
Tortitas de Arroz
Tortitas de Papa
Traditional Guatemalan Rice
Tres Leches